Year 13 Celebration Evening 

Our Senior Students; Andrew, Will, George and Liam, hosted our annual Celebration Evening on Wednesday 8 May. This was a wonderful evening demonstrating the achievements of our fantastic year group. Watching from the audience, staff felt exceptionally proud as students and Senior Students handed out trophies and awards to each other. 

The tradition of prize giving within King Edward’s is a long one. Many of the trophies have been awarded by former students and staff, proud of their association with the school, whilst others are proudly supported by The Foundation Governors, The Edwardians and Piramal. Once trophies have been awarded, every subject recognises and rewards excellent student progress and achievement. 

The evening was a huge success, interleaved with performances from our talented Music students. Beautifully singing a Taylor Swift song for us were Erin and Katharine; Lucy sang a wonderful rendition of the Sound of Music; the Chamber Choir performed California Dreamin’; whilst Will gave a stunning drum performance. The evening really was a true celebration of the year group, the Sixth Form and all that makes The King Edward VI School and Sixth Form the truly wonderful place it is. 


Trophy Winner
The JCW Ballantyne Musical Trophy for Instrumental Music Katharine Bennett
The Lancelot WG Robson Trophy for Choral Music Erin Day
King Edward VI School for Musical Endeavour presented by Naomi Hughes James Ash
Trophy for Excellence in Percussion Will Cottiss
The Jonny Cordon Award for the Guitarist of the Year Evan Stead
The Rotary Club of Morpeth Award for Outstanding Contribution to School Music Will Cottiss
Sarah Doswell Excellence in String Performance Katharine Bennett
Louisa Kelly Trophy for Contributions to Folk & Traditional Music Katharine Bennett
Award for Excellence in Piano & Keyboard Will Cottiss
King Edward VI for Services to Rugby George Liddle
VI Form Trophy for Services to Cross Country William De Vere Owen
Cup for Cricket Lucas Asbury-Welfare
Services to Netball Ellie Wickens
Services to School Sport Boys U18 Cross Country Team
Services to School Sport Girls Izzie Forster
Elite Sports Performance Joe Dixon
Sixth Form Award for Endeavour James Ogilvie
Sixth Form Award for Strength & Determination Iona Lane
The Murtagh Bailey Trophy for Public Speaking Andrew Duffin
Old Boys’s Association Award for Endeavour James Ogilvie
Christine Telford Award for Initiative and Endeavour Oleksandr Liashko
The Chris Ramsay Active Student Award James Ash
The 450 Cup presented by The Old Boys Association (For Contributions to School & Surrounding Community) Emmy Price
King Edward VI School Rotaract Shield for Services to Community Issie Clifford
Ruth Kennedy Award for Geography Charlie Cookson
Joan Bell trophy for Fine Arts Issie Clifford
Excellence in Engineering or Science The John Shears Prize Josh Connolly
The Piramal Prize for Excellence in Science Leonas Engelhardt
The Piramal Prize for Excellence in Media Studies Lewis Pringle


Overall Achievement Donated by W Bewley Anna Jakuboviks
Overall Progress Donated By S Foley Angus Cummings
Foundation Governors Prize for Continued Progress over 2 years Emmy Price
Foundation Governors Prize for Academic commitment Mariia Liashko
The G F Howell Memorial Prize for Senior Student Will Cottiss
Old Boys Prize to Senior Student Andrew Duffin
The Emily Morgan Prize for Senior Student George Liddle
The Ella Pease Award Senior Student Liam Duddell


Subject Achievement Winner Progress Winner
Art Anna Jakuboviks Nicky Christie
Art Graphics Benji Birch Rowan Dowson
Biology Andrew Duffin Laila Hall-Scope
Business Studies Mariia Liashko Grace Lough
Chemistry Cameron Fraser Sophie Curry
Computing Will Barlow  Thomas Davidson
Design Technology William De Vere Owen Aidan Jones
Economics Georgia Hutchinson Bertie Marr
English Language Ethan McGlade  Grace Sykes
English Literature Matilda Willis  Maria O’Shea
Extended Project Qualification Jack Kirby Zoe Watmore
Food Technology Fiona Walsh Hannah Herford
French George Lowrie
Further Maths Ethan Coward Bethany Stanley
Geography Lily Mason Harry Boag
Health & Social Care Olivia Tron  Georgia Dunn
History Emma Purvis Emmy Price
IT Hayden Miller Aaron Snaith
Maths Naomi McDougall Harry Cunningham
Media Studies Lewis Pringle Evan Stead
Music Will Cottiss Evan Stead
Music Technology Danielle Carmon Alfie Gair
Physical Education Ellie Wickens Josh Harrigan
Physics Ethan Coward Luke Thorns
Psychology Niamh Bowman Thomas Carr
Religious Education Liam Duddell Thalia Bell
Sociology Kieran Sykes Hannah Herford
Spanish Maria O’Shea
Theatre & Drama Erin Day Lucy Champion
Photography Josh McDonnell Ella Jackson